Trade popcorn and sodas for time, talent and treasure?
Yes we do...and so much more!
Did you know that the Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival has been a 501(c)(3) non-profit for 20 years? From the governing board, to the festival director, to the event staff, CRIFF is planned, organized and run by a completely volunteer group of film enthusiasts, filmmakers, students, concessions connoisseurs, and people who just enjoy being in the fun festival atmosphere!
People like you – individuals who can bring their perspectives, energy and expertise – are critical in our mission to serve the filmmakers and audiences, and grow the organization. We’re looking for volunteers and board members with a variety of skills and experiences, diverse backgrounds and fresh ideas.
Become a Volunteer!
The work performed by our volunteers, both in the months prior to the event, and during the festival, include but are not limited to (in no particular order):
Sponsorships and fundraising
Event logistics and scheduling
Filmmaker communications
Program ad sales
Filmmaker/VIP hospitality
Merchandise coordination
Social media activities
Press/media appearances and coordination
Printing coordination
Screening hosts
Q&A and Forum moderators
Awards show coordination
Filmmaker check-in and management
Decor and venue setup
“Paparazzi” and other photography
Behind the scenes videography
Website maintenance
There are many perks that come with volunteering: soda and popcorn, a t-shirt with the films on the back, all the independent films you care to watch, and meeting up-and-coming filmmakers (many entrants have gone on to successful Hollywood careers). Maybe the biggest perk of all is, you’ll have a great time, because we make it a priority for everyone – filmmakers, audience and staff – to have FUN.
The time commitment is flexible (we all have “real” jobs), and the quality of time spent is infinitely more important than the quantity!
If volunteering at a film festival sounds like your kind of fun, contact Mandy at for more information!
Contribute to the Cause!
We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so your gifts are tax-deductible. Whether that’s in the form of funds, facilities, food or other in-kind donations, CRIFF and our filmmakers and audiences greatly appreciate your generosity and partnership. There are numerous opportunities available, including Presenting Sponsor and sponsorships for Student Cinema Sunday, VIP Experience, Programs, Apparel, Conversation with the Judges, Eddy Awards, and more.
We promise you captive audiences, and prime spots to get the attention of attendees!
For more information on partnerships, as well as program and on-screen advertising, contact Eric Dean Freese at of 319-721-7465.
We conveniently accept donations via PayPal!
Join the Board!
We’re looking for fresh perspectives for our board…people from all walks of life, and particularly those with expertise in non-profit management, fundraising, event planning, community building, media relations…or any of a multitude of other skills. We have several initiatives we’d like to explore, and your experiences are keys to moving forward.
If you’d like to learn more about the board and how you can contribute to the future of the festival, contact Eric at