April 4-6, 2025

Collins Road Theatres

CRIFF 2025
By the Numbers

22nd Annual Event

102 Entries

24 Gold and Silver Eddy Awards

1 Iowa Connection Award

2 Audience Choice Awards

$1000 Student Scholarship

1 Great Time!

Countdown to 2025


The Film Fest With Real Butter!

The Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival holds its 22nd edition April 4-6, 2025 at the Collins Road Theatres, 1462 Twixt Town Road, Marion, Iowa. CRIFF will celebrate the work of filmmakers from across the state, throughout the country, and around the world, all with connections to Iowa.

In the coming weeks, find information about films, schedules, tickets and other details on the main 2025 CRIFF page.

CRIFF’s mission is to encourage independent filmmakers with Iowa ties to continue improving their craft, provide a venue to specifically showcase their films, present a unique cultural event to the community, grow the Iowa filmmaking industry, and offer opportunities for networking between Iowa-connected filmmakers everywhere.

Selected films will compete for Gold and Silver Eddy Awards and Audience Choice and Iowa Connection Awards, as well as a $1000 Collins Road Theatres Scholarship.

The Official Selections always represent a wide variety of features, shorts, documentaries, music videos, and experimental films at Student, Hobbyist and Professional levels.

The Festival is open to the general public, and the Saturday night Eddy Awards Ceremony, presented by Farmers State Bank is free with any other Festival ticket purchase.

We can’t wait to see you at the 2025 Cedar Rapids Independent Film Festival!

Get Involved!
We’re always looking for fresh perspectives and people who enjoy the fun festival atmosphere (and all the soda and popcorn you could ever want). Or, are you or your organization interested in supporting CRIFF? Check out the Get Involved! page. Who supports CRIFF?

Our Mission is to encourage independent filmmakers with Iowa ties to continue improving their craft, provide a venue to specifically showcase their films, present a unique cultural event to the community, grow the Iowa filmmaking industry, and offer opportunities for networking between Iowa-connected filmmakers everywhere.


Just a sampling of 20 years of festivals…see all our pics in the Archive Gallery.

Thank you for Your Generous Support!

Venue Sponsor
Scholarship Sponsor

Printing Sponsor

Technology Sponsor

Eddy Awards Ceremony Sponsor